Legislative Contacts
and Resources


The Idaho House and Senate Democrats (IDLCC.org) - Democratic lawmakers fight to protect the prosperity and well-being of all Idahoans. To make a real difference in our state, we need to secure additional seats in the legislature. Help us protect and expand our Democratic minority, bringing balance to the Statehouse and a better tomorrow to Idaho.

Our District 6 legislators need to hear from us if they are to represent our values and concerns. Their weekly newsletters provide highlights of upcoming bills and their perspectives on the legislation. Click on the “Subscribe to Mailing List(s)” link to the right of the legislator’s email address to begin the subscription process. Please note that not all legislators may choose to take part in this program, nor are participating legislators bound to a set schedule for sending updates. Link to Senate membership: Link to Senate membership. Link to House membership.

Senator Dan Foreman, District 6 (R)
Email: DForeman@senate.idaho.gov

Representative Brandon Mitchell, House 6A (R)
Email: BMitchell@house.idaho.gov

Representative Lori McCann, District 6B (R)
Email: LMcCann@house.idaho.gov

Websites, Newsletters, and Videos

There are many resources to help us stay informed about what is going on in the legislature. Here is a beginning list. Pick and choose between those that speak to you.

The Idaho Minority Report - weekly 7-8 minutes videos featuring Democratic Senators and Representatives discussing Statehouse happenings, upcoming bills and helpful information for constituents across the state. You will find the weekly reports on the Idaho House and Senate Democrats Facebook page.

Idaho State Legislature Website - for all things related to the legislature, including streaming video of committee hearings and Senate and House debates.
Website: legislature.idaho.gov

Rep. Ilana Rubel, House Minority Leader
Blog/recent news: rubelforidaho.com/category/issues
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ilana.rubel

Sen. Melissa Wintrow, Senate Minority Leader
Legislative blog:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/WintrowforD19

Idaho House and Senate Democrats
Website: idahodlcc.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/IdahoDLCC

Idaho Democratic Party
Website: idahodems.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/idahodems

Idaho Capital Sun - nonprofit news organization delivering accountability reporting on state government, politics and policy in the Gem state.


Idaho Reports - dedicated to political analysis and in-depth reporting from around the state.

Close the Gap Idaho - a network of 5,000 organizations and individuals statewide, working to support affordable access to health coverage for all Idahoans.
Website: www.closethegapidaho.org/our-work
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CloseTheGapIdaho

Conservation Voters for Idaho - Conservation Voters for Idaho protects Idaho’s quality of life by electing pro-conservation candidates, advocating for sound environmental policies, and holding politicians accountable for their votes on conservation issues.
Website: cvidaho.org

Reclaim Idaho - a grassroots movement focused on Medicaid Expansion and investment in Idaho schools
Website: www.reclaimidaho.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/reclaimidaho