Bovill—Latah County Mobile Pantry, 1st Tuesday of each month, 11:30 AM–1:30 PM, Carolynn Park, 208-746-2288.
Deary—Edith Griffin Food Bank, Tuesdays, 11:00 AM–4:00 PM, Saturdays, 4:00 PM–7:00 PM, 408 Line St., Rachel Duggar, 208-310-0966.
Genesee—Latah County Mobile Pantry, 3rd Wednesdays, 11:00 AM–1:00 PM, St. Mary’s Catholic Church parking lot, 138 Jackson St., 208-305-5507.
Genesee Food Bank, 2nd and 4th Fridays, 10:00 AM–12:00 PM, St. John's Lutheran Church, 648 W. Ash Ave., Cindy Langstaff, 208-285-1756. Drop off food donations at the site.
Juliaetta–Kendrick Good Samaritan Food Bank, Fridays, 1:00 PM–3:00 PM, 214 State St., Juliaetta, Pastor Larry Haylett, 208-276-4510.
Juliaetta—Latah County Mobile Pantry, 1st Tuesdays, 11:00 AM–1:00 PM, State Hwy. 3 (Juliaetta Baseball Field Overflow Parking), 208-305-5507.
Potlatch Food Bank, 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 10:00 AM–12:00 PM and 6:00 PM–8:00 PM, 510 Pine St. Call 208-875-8953 or City Hall in a food emergency. Drop food donations at City Hall by appointment, 208-875-0708 or 208-875-0735, Mail donations to PO Box 453, Potlatch, ID 83855.
Potlatch—Latah County Mobile Pantry, 4th Thursdays, 11:00 AM–1:00 PM, 325 Larch (Potlatch Presbyterian Church), 208-305-5507.
Troy Food Bank, Wednesdays, 106 E. 6th St., June Miner, 360-269-1063.
Mondays, Wednesdays (except 1st Wednesday of the month), Fridays, 12:00 PM—Senior Meals, Potlatch Senior Center, 645 Pine St., Potlatch, 208-875-1071.
Tuesdays, 12:00 PM—Deary Community Center, 403 Line St., Deary, Spud Hill Seniors, 208-877-1582.
Wednesdays, 11:30 AM–1:00 PM—J-K Senior Meals, Senior Center, 104 S. 6th St., Kendrick, 208-289-5324.
2nd and 4th Fridays, 12:30 PM—Senior Meals, Genesee Senior Center, 140 Walnut St., Genesee, 208-285-3681.
Moscow Food Bank, Tuesday–Friday, 2:00 PM–4:00 PM, 110 E. Polk St., Moscow, 208-301-2733.
West Side Food Pantry, Monday–Saturday, 11:00 AM–7:00 PM, Sunday 12:00–4:00 PM, 660 W. Pullman Rd., Moscow, 208-882-9499.
Vandal Food Pantry Curbside Pick-up, Spring Semester, Mondays through May 10, 2:30 PM–4:30 PM, Wednesdays through May 12, 12:00 PM–2:00 PM, Thursdays through May 13, 3:30 PM–4:30 PM. Behind the Pitman Center, 110 Deakin, Moscow, 208-885-9442.
Food Not Bombs: delivers food to Latah and Whitman County families on Sundays, 4:45 PM–7:30 PM, TEXT 208-352-3442 for takeout or delivery. Currently operating out of First Presbyterian Church, 405 S. Van Buren, Moscow.
Grocery stores offering curbside pickup if you call ahead: Deary—White Pine Foods, 208-877-1310; Kendrick—Phil’s Family Foods, 208-289-5957; Juliaetta Market, 208-276-3281; Potlatch—Floyd’s Harvest Foods (limited hours), 208-875-0616.
Palouse COVID-19 Mutual Aid group: sign up for what you need or volunteer to help.
Alternatives to Violence of the Palouse: 24-hour crisis intervention, 208-883-4357 (HELP).
Idaho District 2 Rural Crisis Center Network: suicide prevention number, 877-897-9027.
Palouse Advocacy League: preventing suicide and ending stigma.
Adventist Community Service thrift stores have reopened in Troy and Deary. Troy is open Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:00 AM– 7:00 PM; Deary is open Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:00 AM–4:00 PM, 405 Main St.
Family Promise of the Palouse provides food, shelter, and support. Call 208-882-0165 or email for information.
Idaho Commission on Aging - supporting well-being for aging Idahoans with resources for staying at home, staying healthy, staying safe, and staying informed.
Nursing Homes Abuse - The mission of this organization is to be a complete resource center on abuse in nursing homes and to offer any help possible. The website includes information on different types of abuse along with other resources updated it weekly.
Palouse Resource Guide: a wide-ranging list of resources for food, housing, health care, bill assistance, transportation, and more. Updated COVID-19 edition:
Sojourner's Alliance: addressing hunger, homelessness, and poverty on the Palouse. Call Access Point at 208-310-4554 for housing assistance or email for general inquiries.
St. Vincent de Paul: provides support of many kinds—financial, emotional, spiritual; will pick up and deliver prescriptions, fire wood, etc. Established 24/7 hotline: 208-883-3284.
Library staff is offering online programming for adults and children on Facebook:
Check out the Digital Resources Page for online magazines, e-books, digital audiobooks, streaming video, online tutorials and classes, ancestry tools, and more:
Read, listen, and watch movies from home: OverDrive—use your library card to access e-books and audiobooks from your computer or device. Kanopy—select the Latah County Library district and enter your library card number to access free movies, documentaries, and other video entertainment.